It’s Not Friday

My initial goal with blogging was to have a post up every Friday. I haven’t checked back, but I feel like that has been the case. I can’t remember not having a post up on Friday, although, I have cheated some and published my Friday post a few hours before it was technically Friday. Well, this week might be my first; I won’t have a post for Friday. I could just delete everything I just wrote, start again, and omit that fact, making this my Friday post… Now I am just thinking too much about this whole thing.

Okay, it is Thursday night, and this is my Friday post, and it isn’t anything special. I had a very busy week with back to school, back to cooking every night – almost, back to the gym – I took too long of a break, and back to extracurricular activities.  There is a wedding reception this weekend that we are attending, and I am needing to make a few things for that.  Also, I have not done laundry since last weekend and I don’t know where to begin! Plus, my house is only half cleaned from last weekend…*sigh*  Needless to say, I am intending on staying away from the computer completely tomorrow. (Does my iphone count?)

On another note, I am really looking forward to this weekend. The weather will be keeping the guys in my life home from the last youth hunt of the season, and what better way to enjoy the time together than to see the Harlem Globetrotters? I got some tickets from a radio giveaway earlier this week and can’t be happier. Free things that are fun, and require a day in the BIG city are always great!

I have plenty to do on Friday, and this week blogging won’t be one of them. Hope you all have a great weekend!


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