All this talk of dream closets, wish list shopping, and posting more outfit photos has got me thinking.  What if I could accomplish several goals in the course of a year, just by wearing what I already have in my closet?  I am going to explain.

I have a nice closet full of clothes, and I tend to stick to wearing the same items over and over again.  If I made more of a conscious effort to wear all the dresses that I have in there, I could probably make lots of progress getting my wardrobe organized.  (Being more organized is on that goal list of mine after all.)  I once read that if you don’t wear something in a year’s time, you probably won’t even miss it if it’s gone.  I have several items that I haven’t worn in over a year’s time but instead of getting rid of them right now, I feel like they at least deserve a chance before I have them hit the road.  Having a nice closet wear-out seems like just the thing to help me get a start at organizing my wardrobe.  This, in the end, will help get my closet to that more dream-like status – minus the space for all those shelves and freshly cut flowers, but it’s a start at more room anyway.

Doing this will no doubt help me to save some money, since I will be shopping my closet in a sense, leaving me with a little extra cash for those wish list items that occasionally make it up here on the blog.  Plus, I am always up for any kind of a wardrobe challenge.

This little (or maybe it is bigger than I think) challenge I am thinking of will also be just what I need to get more outfit photos up on the blog – weather, bad hair days, and breakouts not taken into account.  But even with those possible factors, I think I can accomplish a photo here and there for a weekly or bi-weekly round-up type post.  (Apologies in advance for reusing photo backgrounds, because I know I will.)

Yes, I think this is a good idea, and one that I have actually been thinking about doing since I was wearing all my shoes that second time.  I have already done this kind of a challenge with my shoes, and in a way with my skirts those two times I did Skirtember, so why not with the rest of my closet that contains all those dresses.  (Specifically, The Shoeper Shoe Challenge, Dressember, Skirtember to name those that I have done before.)

I am going to do it; I am going to wear my closet!  And since I am an obsessive Instagrammer, I am going to be using the hashtag #ErikaWearsHerCloset.  You can follow along there if you would like.  I will give myself a year, and with the exception of those few sentimental items that I could never depart with, anything that doesn’t get worn, or if after it gets worn I realize I don’t want to keep it, I will get rid of it.  This challenge is only going to apply to my dresses because they are a huge part of what I wear, and I’ve already condensed my skirt selection.  My shirts, well I mostly wear them to death so they are constantly being updated; no need to worry about any of them.


Stay tuned, I’ll show you all what’s been worn so far this time next week.  Has anyone else ever attempted anything like this?  Leave me a comment and let me know how you go about your closet clean outs.  I would love to hear how you decide what stays and what goes.

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