#2018MakeNine, it’s a thing on social media, specifically Instagram.  I saw lots of posts about it last year, but just didn’t get on the bandwagon then.  This year, I think I will.

It’s hosted by Rochelle, who blogs over on LuckyLucille.com, and you can find her on Instagram at @homerowfiberco.

I’m trying to be a bit more intentional with my blogging and my making.  I’m putting more effort into the both this year.  The blog suffered some in 2017 because of my lack of time management.  I was not happy about that one bit.  My sewing suffered some because of my want to not have any disappointments with my makes of last year.  I stuck to the same couple of styles and I don’t think I grew any in my sewing abilities for 2017.  2018 is going to be different, and I think participating in this challenge will help.

Most of these makes that I have picked out are easy enough, I think, but will also expand my sewing skills.  A few are a little out of my comfort zone and will possible be a little more time consuming than I am used to, but only having nine to make will be a nice amount to work on through the year.  When I was making a dress a month back in 2013 (the year my blog really took a turn towards me-mades), I am remembering that several were a little rushed and I overlooked some makes that I really wanted to do because of the time I thought would be involved.  I’ve grown since then, and feel I am definitely up for another sewing challenge.

I don’t only intend to make nine things for 2018, I have high hopes to keep adding to my homemade wardrobe even despite this number I’ve put on myself.  I’m sure there will be plenty of tried and true items, plus plenty more of the selfless sort, and 2018 is the year I want my hexagon quilt done.  I am also still sewing for my Etsy shop, it’s just been a little slow going the last couple of weeks as I am also trying to learn the ins and outs of Etsy.

So here you have it, my #2018MakeNine selection for the year.  I have also gotten some inspiration from other makers of the world wide web regarding some of these patterns and styles and I will plan to post those inspirations with what I make as the year goes on.

Feel free to follow along and see what I sew up next.  My Mondays on the blog are going to be reserved for Me-Mades, sewing, and posts pertaining to related topics.  I may not have something every single Monday, but I hope to come pretty close.

As always, thanks for reading!  Anyone else participating in #2018MakeNine?  Or do you have something else you’re aiming for this year?  I’d love to hear from you in the comments.


3 Replies to “My 2018 Make Nine”

  1. Let me know what you think of simplicity 7574 after you’re done! It’s a pattern that I’m watching on eBay! I’m curious to know the difficulty level. Thanks!


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