Good morning! I lost a good part of my day yesterday – spent about 4 hours waiting on vehicle maintenance – so I am going to pretend today is Monday. I had several things planned to do yesterday, one of which was updating the blog, so here I am ready to fill in the last couple of weeks.

First on the update list, Aspen. She will be 12 weeks this week and time flies when you have a puppy! We’ve had her just over a month and she is more and more becoming part of the family. She is finally getting better with going outside to do her business – I said getting better still definitely not potty trained, but she can leave the leaves alone for a few minutes now while she is out there – and just in time for the cold mornings! She loves to play and gets the zoomies daily.

She sometimes has to be contained!

She still takes a good three hour nap in the morning so I am able to catch up on stuff around the house while she is in her crate sleeping, and she is starting to learn the word NO! I think. 😀

Foggy mornings in December

It’s been strangely warm these last couple of weeks and just when I was over it, 70 degree weather with high humidity on Sunday, we had tornado warnings and a drastic drop of temperature as of yesterday. Now it feels like the December I am used to.

A funnel cloud south of my town that someone shared on Facebook.

I’m still in the process of the never ending closet reorganization. If you recall I got a dresser from IKEA for my closet to keep some of the clothes I don’t have room for. Well, Stephen put it together for me this weekend and I am slowly filling it up. There is something about taking everything out of my closet and then putting it back that makes me not want any more clothes, ever. Is that just me?

And those are the highlights of my last couple weeks. Not very much going on, really. I have been a homebody for sure this last month and probably will be for the rest of the year. Stephen and I have tickets for an art exhibit in Nashville, but it got rescheduled for February, and that was really the only outing we had to look forward to for this month. I am sure we can find something else to do closer to home until then.

In the mean time, I was told to take some time for self care from my trainer/coach a week or so ago, and believe it or not, I didn’t know what to do with that. She suggested reading a book. I thought and thought and decided on sewing something, so perhaps I will be back behind my sewing machine before the year is over – not sure I need any more dresses though… Still thinking about this one.

Here’s a look at my November. Have a good week!

4 Replies to “Let’s Pretend It’s Monday”

  1. Aww Aspen is so cute. And I love the video montage you did. It’s so cool to see the pics too, to see how things are in your part of the world. Thanks for sharing, Erika! And hello from a fellow Doc Marts fan!


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