A Plan for Now

It is the final stretch, summer break is almost at an end. The school books, supplies, and clothes have been bought and now all that is left is planning the year. Planning is something I do well in most areas of my life.

I recently started meal planning, and I love it! I have a picky eater in the house and lately, we have been trying to lose those few summer gained pounds. You know, those pounds that don’t seem to go away when you wake up in the morning and step on the scale, hoping that by chance they would have just disappeared over night. They are probably the direct result of just enjoying summer. Those long days at the lake with too many choices of potato chips, weekend winery tours, late night treats at the local ice cream shop, extra yard sale mornings with a quick trip through the drive through, and the potato chips, did I mention those already? They seem to be my absolute weakness and I find them everywhere I go: swimming pools, and baseball games included. I have determined that I can not have them in my house and I must avoid all vending machines and look directly in front of me at the store check out lanes.

I also had to do something with all of those summer blueberries!

I am going to keep with the planning as long as I can, and today I am working on something for the next two weeks based on my Costco haul from Friday. So far, I haven’t made much progress. I got online to look up some recipes and got distracted by blogging. A fun distraction though, and I am even getting some new ideas – I follow some great food blogs! πŸ™‚

I wonder if making a menu while hungry has the same results as shopping while hungry? I guess I will soon know…

Does anybody else plan meals? Do you find it easier or is it just a hassle?

6 Replies to “A Plan for Now”

  1. The easiest way for me is to plan meals a week at a time. This way my grocery trip can be budgeted and I know I have something to make for each day. I don’t assign days, I usually just pick seven meals and get the ingredients for those meals. Then on days I have more time, I pick a meal that might be a little bit more time consuming, and on days I need it, A quick meal suffices. It’s fun to check out my list and pick a meal each day, if I’m feeling tired… spaghetti it is πŸ™‚


  2. For extended periods we have used macgourmet software to plan meals. It also puts together a grocery list for those meals. After the work of entering the recipes, it works well.


  3. I plan meals. I find it way easier. I go to the grocery store once a week and make as much as I can ahead of time. It really saves time. Occasionally (tonight for instance) my planned meal doesn’t turn out (mold on the buns, I will blame it on the extra humidity), and then I am left with no choice but to cook what I had planned for tomorrow. Guess I will need an extra trip to the store this week. Sigh.


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